Senior Vice President & General Manager, Manufacturing and Operations - Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, Inc.
Podcast Subject: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Listen to "From ACPHS to Adams Respiratory Therapeutics" on Spreaker.
Tom Long admits his career was not the one he’d dreamed of. He’d hoped to one day open his own pharmacy and while he did work in retail pharmacy for about a year after graduation an opportunity came knocking that he couldn’t resist. Tom was recruited by Bristol Laboratories to become a technical liaison between Manufacturing and Product Development. From there his career took off, with increasing responsibilities overseeing the manufacturing, engineering, packaging and management of some of the biggest names in the industry. In this edition of Occupation Station, Tom talks about how his pharmacy skills gave him the baseline to jump into the challenging world of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. Tom also talks about why the core values taught at ACPHS are vitally important in today’s workplace